21 Jul 1925 .MURTOA FREEZING WORKS. The full board of directors of the Wimmera Inland Freezing Company met at Murtoa on Wednesday, and re-solved to commence operations early in October. Mr. O.J. Davidson (secretary) was appointed manager, and Messrs. Mitchell Bros. & White as lamb buyers for
Murtoa, Lubeck, Jung, Kewell, Longerenong, Minyip; Sheep Hills, Warracknabeal,.Brim, Beulah, Rosebery and Hopetoun districts.

Lambs are well forward this year and there is every prospect of a good season.

08 Oct 1926 - MURTOA FREEZING WORKS - Trove Wimmera Inland " Freezing Co. Ltd. was held at the Mechanics' Hall,. Murtoa,. :lst. week,. Mr. J.3 A. Couz. ;er ,chairman of directors, being in the. chair ... IMURIO A FREEZING WORKS -o- THE MERGEF EXPLAINED. -WORKZ NOT TO OPEN. SThe annual meeting of shareholders of the Wimmera Inland Freezing Co. Ltd. was held at the Mechanics' Hall, Murtoa
Mr. J.3 A. Couz ;er ,chairman of directors, being in the chair, -
Nineteen shareholders were present;i' including eight directors.
The Chirman submitted, the annual report of, the directors (as published in a recent issue). together with the balance-sheet for. the ,past year.
In moving its adoption, Mr Couzaer said the company had had a strenuous time through; strike troubles, shipping delays and an extraordinary slump in the Lonldoii market which was glutted When meat was sold. They had paid high prices for the lambs on foot, as proprietary companies were offering strong' opposition. The result of the year's, transactionis was a serious loss, but other companies had suffered more, beind the four inland freezing companies were in financial distress. As a consequience the directors had to approach the Government and ask for assistance to liquidate their liabilities, because the bank hatd placed a limit on their over draft. Other freezing companies, in a worse, plight than Blurton, had to do the same. The Treasurer's reply was that the Governmnent would not help any company singly, and lie proposed that the four 'inland companies bemerged into one under the management of a central board. This was eventually agreed upon, and so the Amalgramated Freezing Co. Ltd. was estalilished. The liabilities were paid by the Government, and the amalgamated board now had the management of the four freezing works until their in debt was wiped off. This relieved the situation, and thought things would come cut all right in the end. He moved the adoption of the report and balance-sheet.
Mr F. MeRae, in seconding the mo tion, instanced the high prices given the last two seasons by "graziers. who outbid buyers, whilst proprietary conmpanies were purchasing at exorhitant rates, and shareholders were clamoring for top prices. Australia was again getting over-stocked and the time would come when the value of freezing kworks would be demonstrated. Personally he had put a lot of time and money into the 'Murton works and felt disappointed at last year's results, which left nothing else to do but to go to the Government and ask for assistance. As a consequence the companies in distress had to submit to the merger. Co-operative and proprietary companics were both to blame for undue opposition last year, and the slump in the market emphasised their losses. New Zealand unloaded half a million lambs the same time as the Australian supplies, which was disastrous after the delay through the shipping sirikes.
The Chairman introduced Mr .T. C. Hiutchings, of Callawaddza, who had been appointed this company's reprosentiative on the Amalgamated Freezing c Company's board.
Mr HIutehings, who was received with applause, said he felt pleased to be able to have the opportunity to give particulalrs of the newly-formed Amnaiganated Company. He regretted last year's losses. over which unfortunate circunmstances the directors had no control. In Decenmber last the chairman and himself had been desputed to wait upon the government and ask for some help to meet liabilities to lamb raisers and l other creditors. detailed the negotiations with the Government, and. in reply to a question: why Mnrtoan, with Sits splendid works, was specially excluded by the board, stated that the board considered they counld treat the lambs more ecoruomlineally it Ballarnt, becanuse Stlhero a large retaliI business was being conducted. All profits would be cnually Sshared by the four companies, and it re Smained to he seen if the scheme worked Sout satisfactorily. Personally he had Sused his best endeavors to induce t!he merger to operate at Murton. but he was not suiccessful. If they found that SRBallarat couldt not cope nwith the suin Sply from this district the local works Swould be opened. S When the election of six directors in Sstead of twelve was under discussion, :Mr. AJeRa.o'said heohad opposed the v roposal from the first. and still thought Sit aII mistake: but. there was nothinn to d o and one direcor would be suflicient. SThe recommendation of the board sa-e ored of dietntion. 3Mr. Sudholz saitd the Imboard was nct nug extravagantly in paying a manager £ 2500 which was madness: they shouldt first ipractise economny theniselyes Aifter similar opinions were -entilat el1. the motion was seconded by Mr F. XSwomna and, carried. KMr. Molyneux said he hadl been na director forover six years, during which tlthe company had had a strenuous time. The Winwmmcra Inland Freering Company Shad started so we!l that Ballarat and Donald werei induced to establish works o n money- granted by the Government, b't they had doime no good for tthem. selves and great harm 1o this company, Swhich bwas first established to necom m oldato lamb breelcrs. notices of motion Parliament of Victoria https://www.parliament.vic.gov.au › contentassets › noti... The quantities of meat frozen at the Wimmera Inland Freezing Company's works at Murtoa and shipped through the Government Cool Stores from the starting of ... https://www.parliament.vic.gov.au/498fb2/contentassets/f10a2831ebee4974b80b92a5d094095a/notice_paper_1911-1911_vol_2.pdf